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Hello there!

Another installment. Working on this video made me think of the days when non-interlaced video simply wasn't an option and all the hoops I used to have to jump through to remove, then RE-ADD interlace after VFX.

Now that I'm looking at the thumbnail, those colors on the right are very unappealing. Will probably change them to something brighter and fresher by tomorrow.

I'm thinking I might come back to doing a regular debunking format for the next release. I'm starting to miss it.

EDIT: The video has been replaced to one with a brief warning at the start about the strobing effect.


CD / Interlacing

Please consider supporting my videos on: http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion CD/ • Intro - https://youtu.be/R4sF0MT1TGM • Aspect Ratio - https://youtu.be/g5ZgUIobSj0 • Frame Rate - https://youtu.be/DyqjTZHRdRs • Interlacing - https://youtu.be/1Yja9m1Lu6M



Great video. You are fantastic at explaining complex concepts in an easy to understand way.


Just as I was watching another CD episode that had a link to Interlacing, the missing CD for Interlacing drops in my inbox! Good stuff, actually learned a lot from this one!


Watch out for potential epilepsy issues with the flickering for the public

Dan Kuehling

Came here to post this. The “ahh, flicker!” part at 1:58 may need to be adjusted.


Which one is it? It's harder and harder to remember where I left all those links so I can go back and add them, lol. This was a bad idea, what was I thinking!


Having your make-up go into a timeline is ingenious. Very creative :)


Whether or not I already know the subject, I absolutely enjoy the video and your excellent way of explaining things.

Cassandra Gelvin

As a web developer, I always think of GIFs when I think of interlacing. Clearly video came first, but for GIFs, it was a way to give users with low bandwidth a general idea of what the image would look like before the missing lines filled in. Fascinating explanation.


Love it! But please check the cut around 4:17, I can see some awkward mouthing of dialogue there. It seems to cut a bit too soon.


I used to work for a software company as product manager. One aspect of that was writing an explanation of our "deinterlace" feature for the general public. Mine wasn't remotely as funny as yours. (By the way, my ex-employer had a deinterlacing feature in their video conversion software 15 years ago. Don't try to charge too much for the plugin.)


The strobe effect at 1:58 is very intense, even for someone without epilepsy it was too painful to look at, it was pretty funny so I can see why it's included but I don't think it's a great idea, assuming people will check the description is pretty risky.


Great video! I learned a lot. I think you’re correct that changing the right side of the thumbnail might be a good idea, it is cool looking as is, but could be more striking. And whichever video format you choose to do next will be welcomed by your fans :)


Yet another great video! I am about to start a small business digitizing old tapes! So the bit at the end how to "fix" interlacing is VERY helpful in helping me know how to restore some personal ones, so thanks!


Very well-explained, Cap! Interlacing has always been a huge pet peeve of mine; thanks for giving it the spotlight!


Outstanding as usual, these illustrations are top notch! Also miss the classic format, but this series is awesome to link people to when they don't understand the basic video concepts!


Epilepsy warning?


The CRT Animation/Explanation is outstanding, I am more likely to link to your video to explain that than to explain interlacing ;) The thumbnail irritates me, because interlacing does not (usually?) shift red/green against each other but full colored lines as you also show in the video. Also there are now way better deinterlacers than you show at the end, which also take into account temporal information and come quite close to flawless video. That the part I disliked the most, that it is presented here as an insolvable problem.


Do you think we are going to be stuck with all these leftover glitches and visual artifacts from old video formats and systems forever, or will we eventually standardise sufficiently that it'll no longer be a problem?


Captain D is consistently one of the best things on the internet.


I think these were called 'progressive images' back in the day and, if I remember right, it's possible to turn the feature on for PNG and JPEG too.


Epic video


I really didn't think the strobe scene is severe enough to warrant an ON SCREEN warning, but if the percentage of you here suggesting it is representative of the general audience, I guess I better add one and re-upload.


I'm loving these videos, Captain. The way you visualize all of these makes it so clear, I've shown them to friends who didn't quite understand when I tried explaining these issues and after seeing the video it clicks for them. One note about this video, though, is that I wish you had shown a third option for deinterlacing which I find the best of all, especially when working with 60i footage that you want to keep the feeling of, that high framerate, soap opera effect (not to mention keeping as much of the original information and resolution as possible): bobbing. I think that it not being at the end could be conducive to people who don't know any better to think those are the two and only options. I see untreated deinterlaced footage EVERYWHERE and it's very annoying. That and stretched footage are so hard to watch. Anyways, that's what I felt when watching the video. Not sure if you can or would want to update the video, but I loved it nevertheless. Thanks!


Release it as is. No one would benefit from a warning. It would go unnoticed. This is nothing major anyway. This discussion is riduculous.


I think it's great you're branching out along with with the regular debunking.


Strobe warning was unobtrusive, and thumbnail looks great. Thanks for all your awesome videos!!


Captain! I have a question! If, in a CD/ video, you mention a topic that doesn't have the card animation, but you end up making a whole video about the topic, what would happen? Would you just link the card anyway?