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Someone on Google+ shared an opinion that my latest video is actually itself a hoax to troll my audience. Their theory is: bothered by the comments affecting whatever female friend/family member was *actually* in the costume, I concocted this fake explanation to defend the lady's dignity and get back at the commenters :) Their evidence is a list of bodily observations that make it clear the person in the costume is ~30lbs lighter than I could possibly be. (THANKS.) It's interesting how easy it can be for some to fall off the skepticism boat into the treacherous waters of conspiracy theories. At first I dismissed it, but then I thought maybe in a small way it's my fault. I keep showing you how much visual fakery there is out there, how many forms it can take and how many different motivations there are behind its creation. But I don't want the takeaway to be "trust no one". There are reliable sources of information out there, and I strive to be one of them. So I created a quick video as an evidence exhibit in my reply to their comment. I hope it clearly shows that it was indeed me performing the character :) It's also a glimpse at the compositing process of the Mickey head - an effect which I'll explain in more detail in an upcoming patron behind-the-scenes video.


It Was Me

Composite comparison



Life must be hard when you have to PROVE you have moobs.


I knew it was you right away. Your physical mannerisms were the giveaway. And Mickey's voice, although distorted, matches your cadence.


I don't think the scepticism is so unreasonable. The humour was very focused on mocking and screwing with the commenters to great effect. The conspiracies are silly though.

Jim Battle

I've often heard this referred to as hyperskepticism.


I'm so confused now...my hyperskepticism is so hyper I'm not even sure if it is really me writing this comment.

Ben C

The shadows in the 32 frame, camrea two, clearly contradict those from first camera, indicating this is all fake. #moonlanding


So we're suppose to take the word of someone who is proven to be a master manipulator of video? Next you're going to tell us that Mr. Flare isn't really an energy being that has secretly given you insight to how the universe works.


Literally anyone could fake that. Mickeys moons don't melt. WHEN WILL THE TRUTH COME OUT #illuminaticonfirm #moobergate


Nope. You're clearly covering for what was an obvious reptilian female actress whose overuse of homeopathic N-rays and quantum crystal water combined with the cut of the jacket she is wearing to accentuate the ladyness her otherwise manlike physique. I can tell by the pixels. :-)


I think you just need to be punished for dressing like Mickey Mouse. Have someone with real boobs bring a whip.


And there are people who will still not believe. Geeze


Nice try, but we know it wasn't you. It is a fact that Walt Disney was the voice of Mickey Mouse, therefore by extension means that the rest of him is Mickey too. Hence, he faked his own death. Nice cover up. Now we know who really shot JKF.