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It's made to look easy in the episode, but it actually took us a few attempts to get the punctured balloon to produce a nice, steady, laminar stream that lasts. Each take was separated by a cleanup and resetting process - a bit tedious for the last shot of a long day!


Balloon Stab Outtakes

It took a few tries before we figured out the obvious.



Does it look as steady in real life as on video? That’s really impressive I have to admit, and understand why it is easy to think it could be a fake using VFX

Rex Schrader

I've been fooled by the sweater and gloves! That't not he captain doing the poking! Mooooovie magic!


I KNEW IT! I KNEW THIS VIDEO WAS A FAKE! I've been telling you guys, Captain D isn't real! All along he was just motion capture and CG!


Woah, that's still super awesome looking even when it's a flubbed take. I'd love to see more behind the scenes stuff like this! Proud to be a Captain D patron!


damn gotta pee


So apologies if this has already been answered by where is the actual captain in this shot?


What is the music?


Is the time marker in the video just for this video? Did you record 21+ hours of footage for this?


I'd pay lots to see as many outtakes as possible.


Haha! We were tricked!!! This "Stunt" wasn't actually done by CD we just should believe it ... well played... Cap!!


Any particular reason you guys didn't do the finger pass through the stream like in the original video? Just in case it messed with it or...?