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I set out to make what I thought would be a cute little tongue-in-cheek bonus video before the next episode, possibly just for Patrons, but the more I worked on it, the more I realized that I would like to post this as a regular episode on the channel. It's unusual is because it's not a typical in-character debunking. Instead it's a meta reference to our previous episode. It does *kind of* debunk something. It's also part clarification, part comedy segment, part social commentary, part... me being a weirdo :) Anyway, as per usual, I will post an early preview of it for 2+ Patrons tonight, before it goes live for the world. And with your permission, I'd like to count it as the official episode for the month of May. Stay tuned!


Ben C

As long as you keep creating fantastic content feel free to release it however you please! I'm just here to make sure the fun don't stop!!!


I couldn't have said it better. Keep up the good work, Captain!


I am very excited to see this! Count it however you like. :)


Can't wait, I love your videos.


Whatever you think best, I'll count it as official


Permission granted! :-P It's your show, bend it to your will! :-)