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Hi, human friends!

I don't know if it showed, but my last video (the collab with Mark) was actually produced at breakneck speed while I was already gearing up for my upcoming Blender Conference presentation. I mean "gearing up" literally - I had to gather some equipment for all the weird stuff I want to do on stage.

I... might be biting off more than I could chew with this one...

We've now entered October, but there's still a ton of writing, video making, and rehearsing to do on the presentation before getting on the flight to Amsterdam on the 23rd :O So I'll be in high intensity production mode, probably until that very last moment. Sorry in advance if posts are scant.

The good news is: the resulting ~45 minute presentation will be live-streamed. So whether it's a triumph of nerd-tertainment or a spectacular technical failure, you can witness it in realtime. (Or later on my YouTube channel).

Details to follow!




You’re gonna do great. Looking forward to it.


How exciting! Your live presentations are some of my favorite things on your channel.


Captain, the live stuff is simply amazing. I hope you love creating them! Don't hurt yourself working too hard.


I've loved the presentations that you gave in the past (Heroic Feats of Youtube Debunkery, and the unbearable loneliness of being right on the internet). They both have been excellent, and I believe this will be just as good... And if not, we'lll all raise a pint to you and say kill 'em next time.


Good luck Captain 👍


Awesome can’t wait to see the presentation!

Drek the Bat

I have loved the presentations you have done so far. Always entertaining and you know your audience! No pressure, but I know you got this!


Apparently I am a fox! Also, completely unrelated, i love your work and been trying to spread it in Hungary among my friends and colleagues, with... mixed success, still love your stuff... I can hardly wait for whatever is out next :D keep up the amazing work, we all want the D!