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I don't want to reveal its topic, but the upcoming video is one that I have been attempting to make since the beginning of the year. A month would start and I'd embark on producing it. Then I'd realize it's too massive to finish in time, put it aside and do something simpler instead.

After the catch-up month, I decided to finally tackle it, no matter what. And MAN, has it been a lot of work. There were many script drafts, two days of shooting, tons of voiceover and more rough cut versions than average.

You could say it feels like... climbing the stairs but not getting anywhere.

As usual, the most time-consuming process has been the VFX and graphics. There are quite a few shots in-room as well as a long, elaborate "debunk" explanation sequence.

Plus, some background research segments and righteous rants are peppered throughout. The video is all over the place... like an MC Escher drawing or something.

I'm having to push my animation skills to the limit, learning new techniques along the way. I can feel myself... ascending to new heights, while also staying grounded.

It's coming out really well, but there's a bit left to do. I've hired some rendering services and a roto artist to speed things up, but even so, I'll need about another week to get it all finished and presentable. Hope you don't mind.

Can't wait to share the video! Whatever it's about.




I don’t know if every other patron shares my outlook, but I just want you to feel free to do your best work, regardless of the timeline.


I assume this video will lead up to a new level.


Love your videos, Cap. Take however long you need, we'll be here :)

Jay Moretz

Judging from that last picture, I'm inferring the video is taking on the topic of how "Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down"? :-)


I think I know what you are debunking. From the last picture I can see that you are going to prove that door-to-door Jehova's Witnesses are actually an elaborate video trick, and it just looks like they knock on my door every now and then. Looking forward to Mr. Flares take on them.


Love your content and excited to see the result! Take all the time you need. You're videos are art in and of themselves, can't rush that!


I'm still waiting for a debunk of that Captain Disillusion guy - his videos look pretty fake to me.


Ooh I'm excited for this one


Super excited, man. Thank you for the effort and time you put into your work, it's a rarity and know that people recognize and appreciate the extra mile. <3


Baited breath :)


This is hilarious to read now! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼