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Hello! It's been a long weekend of sitting at a computer. But I really wanted to get the video to you guys earlier than just one day ahead of publish date. So here it is! Next Wednesday's episode. Enjoy and tell me what you think. This is also the first video this year for which we filmed some proper behind-the-scenes footage. So look out for that soon!



Something is a bit off... as Captain Disillusion and Mr. Flare host a morning show and explore the visual effects secrets behind the "Rush Hour" viral video. ------- Certain sound effects by: JarAxe, FreeSound.org Lynne Publishing, 1soundfx.com



Good stuff as usual Alan. The BTTF nod is also quite nice. To the original makers 'credit' - and without knowing if he claims this is real or not - the compositing of the various vehicles is so tight, that I'd assume most people guess there's something 'off' about it. Then again... I remember how some of my close friends actually seemed to believe parts of the 'we never actually went to the moon!!!111' documentary briefly after it aired... Sigh... In any case, I have a much easier time swallowing this than when you explained how Derren Brown passed off his weasily editing techniques as magic. Grrrr.


Fantastic. I think flare has developed a lot as a character.. hopefully he's not gonna try to go solo-career. Loved the ending too -- nice time for a story-arc to be worked in (can't wait to see how that unfolds). Also very much enjoyed the debunk -- while I hadn't seen the original, it did have a faked-feel to it, and your explanation was illuminating (sorry flare).


Love the diversion from the usual format. Can't wait to find out what happened to CD

Timmo Warner

Always glad to see Mr. Flare! Thanks for the early view!


Loved the line about not vaccinating because of something something chemtrails. Even if I don't remember it I still thought it was terrific.


Dammit, another Credulon leak! When is Scotty gonna get that under control?

Ben C

Oh man the references and gags. I love the tone of these. So off the wall. Glad to be a Patron!


It was very nice to see a cameo by Cowboy Curtis. Excellent work, as usual.


I always had wondered about that Rush Hour video. And the BTTF thing is very exciting!


Ace. Credulum leaks are a worryingly common occurrence.


Thanks for all the feedback! So I'm sensing I'll have to actually think up what the ending continues into, ugh! :) Now, let me share the kind of OCD I sometimes experience with these videos: now that I watch it, one moment bugs me. At 2:23, when all the viral blog graphics appear, it feels like a sound effect needs to mark it better. It's a dead spot. There should be like a school bell or some other "jackpot" type alarm. Not sure if such a detail is worth adding since I've already posted the video. Or maybe it is. Or maybe not. WHAT DO YOU THINK??


OCD is great, it means you really care about what you put out. But TBH, that part of the video is already paced really quick, especially with the pop up text, personally wouldn't add any more elements that detract from the narration that is the key at that point. At the same time I don't think it will detract any either. In all honesty is a fantastic episode as it is. OCD is part and parcel of being an amazing creator.


Aww yeah. Nothin' but pure black-tar Captain D directly into my veins. I'm so happy you're back and doing more videos. The explanations are thorough, fun, and the attention to detail _really_ helps. (E.g., the spot on the camera that becomes a street stain that none of us would have ever noticed if you didn't point it out). Here's hoping that the krendulum gas leaking into the atmosphere isn't toxic to whatever type of life form Capn' D is...

Christopher G

Always happy to see Mr. Flair!


Thanks for the video sir :)


As a patreon bonus, will you provide us with the URL of the next video that you're planning to debunk? "Next month I'll be debunking xyz video" ... that way I can watch it to anticipate how you break it down. :)


This has been my intention. I guess I've just been getting cold feet about revealing the upcoming subject video, but you're right, I shouldn't. I can trust you guys... riiiight? :) I'll do it with the next episode!