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At 2PM EST (in about 1.5 hrs) I'm going to be on a live video chat on the training website CGcookie.com, talking with one of their instructors about 3D animation, VFX and my videos in general. This was originally going to be something only available to their paying members, but I was just told it'll be free for everyone to view!

I'm not sure if the free version will stream at the link above or only simulcast on YouTube, but they'll tweet the YouTube link a few minutes prior. I'll retweet it so just watch out for that on @CDisillusion.

Also, no worries if you can't make it. I'm pretty sure the recording will be posted later on their YouTube channel.


Interview with Captain Disillusion

Digital artist and member of the CG Cookie crew! Every day I teach/learn stuff in the wide world of computer graphics. I've been doing digital art professionally for the past 8 years, from feature films to major amusement park rides to TV commercials to CGC edu.





Excellent! There's no one better suited to teach on that.


Here's the youtube link: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pnYGd8Pjhs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pnYGd8Pjhs</a>


This was a great interview, thanks!


Nice interview. It was interesting to hear that the Beakman episode came about by you just reaching-out. I'd like to hear more of that overall story sometime, with some insights into how you achieved the Beakman-esque style in scripting and visuals and all that.


Thanks. I have a documentary’s worth of behind-the-scenes footage of that episode that I never got around to putting together :( I must do it.


I have no idea why the questions were so pedantically specific. It’s as if the blender nerds are jealous of the general success you’ve had and want to prove you’re one of their group. Making things for the uninitiated is the way to go, keep it up x