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To set a different mood for the VFX videos, I figured it would be fun to have everything focused around a sci-fi looking table that can project whatever visuals are needed or serve as a surface for physical demonstrations. There wasn't a lot of time, so I had to use what's around.

I've had this little black, retro-futuristic round table and chair set for a while (in fact I've used those chairs before in the "Rush Hour" episode). I took measurements and made a Photoshop image of the surface design, filling it with stylized shapes of things that have to do with visual effects and cinematography.

I then broke the design up into pieces that could fit on regular 8.5x11" sheets of paper and printed each one out on thick card stock. Emily helped me cut each one out neatly and assemble the puzzle on the actual table.

I used double-sided tape to stick each piece to the table, and covered the seams with some very narrow "artist's tape" which also added a nice green(screen) design element. Finally, I put thicker black tape all around the edge to give it a sort of frame. It's not perfect, but I think it works okay on video.

To transform the room from the usual look to the table setup, I also ended up modeling replicas of the table and chair in 3D. The models were animated in a simple mockup of the room.

I only needed them for that one shot, but hopefully I'll have reason to use the CG table/chair in future episodes.

The table worked out as I intended, although one drawback is that the paper is fragile and prone to damage. I've already made a small gash in one spot when the Canon camera used in the stop-motion demonstration fell off the slider onto the table.

But it sure made the model DeLorean look spiffy!




This is excellent. For some reason the table design reminded me of the old school kids car track playing mats. Really loved the video yesterday it was a refreshing change from the norm.


Was the DeLorean model entirely 3D, or did you have a physical prop for some shots too? It's done so well, I can't tell!


It was a real prop (the one pictured) but once it was being shown in the blue screen motion control setup, it became a 3D model - literally with a wipe behind me as I walked off screen.


It looked good; very effective. And yes, you can use it again now for future episodes of this series.


The amount of effort you put into your videos is mindblowing. I can tell you love what you do