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So yesterday afternoon I did a Reddit AmA - a sort of open, written Q&A session with Reddit users, talking about my videos. Lots of people asked interesting questions and I tried to answer as many as I possibly could, as thoroughly as I could. It was enjoyable! And it remains available for viewing here: http://bit.ly/2sK9Rwh

Upon finishing, I was alerted to the fact that my AmA post was not only on the Reddit front page, but was NUMBER 1 ON IT. That's pretty crazy. If you were on the thread and have decided to become a patron as a result, I'm glad you're here and thank you very much for the support!

That's all...

Happy 4th of July to the Americans among us!




Damn. Wish I had known about it. Would have asked a question that would have gotten buried by other questions and not answered.


A question then: Have you considered (or tried in the past) a second channel with less produced videos? For example... I often point to your live QED talk, particularly the section where you talk about PSP and show how one can improve how they shoot videos with the phone they carry around with them everywhere. It is such a good, conversational and informative section of the talk that I wish there was more stuff of that particular feel on YouTube.


Great AMA, a lot of insightful answers. I was wondering, I'm sure a lot of these different "Youtube networks"(studio 71, fullscreen, etc) have approached you. I noticed you're not signed with any of them. Any particular reasons why you haven't joined any of those digital networks like so many other big Youtubers do?


Yes, I've gotten a few proposals like that. I understand how it could help my channel, but I'm really struggling with how I would ever be able to incorporate product endorsements into my videos... It just really feels weird for my format. But maybe there's some clever way that isn't annoying to an average viewer. Still thinking about it.


I sort of do a bit of that here, with the tutorials and BTS stuff, but yeah, I could at some point make a companion channel, or even just have a playlist of such videos on the current channel.


I very much enjoyed the read through your AMA. Thanks for doing it!


Ahh I missed this! Could I just ask, how do you get the original footage for some parts of your videos (e.g. the traffic dodging one where it's just the guy on the road and then just the cars on the road without any editing). Do you create that yourself or do you contact the creators? (Sorry for being vague!)


I create that myself, using VFX to sort of reverse-engineer what was there. On a couple of occasions I've asked the video's creator if they'd be willing to provide me with the raw footage, etc, but so far, no one has ever agreed :S


I ended up signing up for your Patreon thanks to your AMA. The tipping point was when you said Erica Linz *did* end up doing the stunt for your Russian floating girl video. But I can't find it! :(


The Reddit AMA was a great idea. I had never heard of you before I saw the AMA. In the few days since, I have binge watched every episode, sat in disbelief that I had gone 10 years without knowing about your channel and have now become a Patreon...er. I'm excited for the next episode!