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If we make a BKB4, there are arguments for a mobile game vs. a PC game.  In the past, piracy almost killed the franchise on the PC.  However, on mobile Apple wouldn't publish BKB3 because of the real characters.  They said if the characters were animated and not real people they would most likely have approved it.  So, we were just left with Android, which didn't always work well.  It's tempting to try to put something out for PC again if we can find a way to circumvent the millions of dollars we lost from piracy.



Hilik Dotan

I would vote for PC release, because fighting games are all about tight controls, so gamepad support or keyboard beat touchscreen any day. Besides, it's nice to see the action on a bigger screen. Don't know much about piracy prevention, but maybe make most of the characters exclusive to buyers of the game somehow. I'm glad that past experiences did not deter you from the project, and wish you nothing but succes going forward. Peace!