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This week I worked on making version controls for the save file system introduced earlier this month as well as made some slight modifications that were causing confusion.

The save file now includes a version number that will be used when the save file is loaded to see if there's anything that needs to be changed in the version of the game that's currently running. For example earlier this month I discovered a problem that caused some furniture items to not be loaded, the fix I introduced basically remade the save file from scratch and imported everything from the old save system. This caused all progress made with that weeks build to be erased.

The new save system will check your save file, see that its an old version, and iterate through steps I've defined to bring it up to date without losing data. For the example of the furniture inventory, instead of restarting the save file from scratch, it will see your save file version is "0" combine the old save file as well as the furniture from the old save system into a new single save file and update the version to "1". This should allow much more complicated imports if necessary, although ideally I'll program the save files correctly the first time.

An important thing to note is that if you run an older version of the game with a newer save file the results may be unexpected. If you play this version, make a save, and go back to last weeks build it's possible that you will lose save data. Starting from this week's version, if you have a save file from the future that's a higher version, the game will make a backup as a "SMUTBACKUP" file, but if you're going to play an old version of the game I'd recommend making your own back ups of the "SaveData" folder to ensure you can restore your save if something breaks.

I also made some changes to things that were causing confusion, I deleted the silver cube from the toybox since it's no longer needed and the toys it spawned were buggy. I also changed the WIP warnings in the toybox and the desk setup to indicate what should be working instead of just saying "this is broken", the warning was discouraging some from testing out the new features.



Hey so my in-game monitor is missing and not in the inventory, how fucked am I?


Very fucked


Sorry for the late reply, I was gone the last couple days. I'm looking into this issue, so there should hopefully be a fix on Sunday. If you want to try some troubleshooting before that, try deleting your "DeskSetupSave.Smut" file from your "...AppData\LocalLow\DefaultCompany\FNAF\SaveData\" folder.

fox gaming

it takes my money but doesn't give the items


Furniture items go to the inventory first with this build, you'll have to go to desk setup and spawn them. If you download the latest beta build here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75512510?pr=true and go to desk setup, then press "load default", all of your items should be placed. If you then press "save", any new items will automatically be placed.

fox gaming

Thanks I'll give that a try