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Sorry for the late update, this week and last week I finished implementing Chica's maledom scene into gameplay as well as completed stage "4" of the scene (the transition between loop 2 and 3).

If the player is looking toward the left when Chica attempts to sneak into the office, she will be taken off guard and stumble backwards. From there she will stay seated until the player looks away, if the player clicks on her while she's seated it will trigger the maledom scene. Implementing this is what delayed this update as I needed to animate Chica falling over and sneaking away as well as do the programming work. While the animations were being completed there wasn't a way to test if things were working, so both parts were needed to make an update.

I also completed stage 4 of the maledom animation, which just leaves the climax and post-climax animations left to do before the next version release. 



That’s kinda cute chica falling down 🥰


I can't get it to work but its probably just me.


What are you having an issue with? Getting logged into Patreon in game, or triggering the Chica maledom scene. If you catch Chica trying to sneak in and click on her after she falls over it should trigger the scene. If it's another issue let me know in a PM.