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This week I remade portions of the Chica/Foxy threesome scene so that there's no longer severe clipping and the characters are no longer floating. 

Tweaking the animation took a bit longer than expected, the first issue was that I thought I could just move Chica's hips up to giver her chest clearance over the counter. However, the male character's proportions (large torso, little legs) made it impossible for him to reach Chica's hip if I did that. I was able to angle Chica's hips so that most of her torso cleared the counter, however her breast still clipped into it which required me to reanimate them as well as the readjusting the arms and her hips. I also made a tool which allowed me to transfer event data between two animations with different file extensions since Unity's tools are just plain awful. Overall I think the animation is an improvement, Chica's breasts interacting with the environment seems to make the animation more realistic.

What took longer was that I've been experimenting with making tools to allow animators to import animations into the game either at runtime (ideal) or during the initial load sequence. In the process of making my job easier behind the scenes I've made several tools to handle the relationship between different animations used in sex scenes. The ideal would be to make a tool in-game that made adding animations to the game as easy as making them in blender, but I wasn't able to achieve that this week. I'm not sure how interested anyone would be in this. It wouldn't make animating any easier just make it possible to get animations into the game without going through the editor. It might not be possible so keep that in mind, but if you're an animator interested in something like this let me know.

Fixed an issue that caused the Chica/Foxy scene to immediately trigger when loading the game map in any mode.



I love this game a lot, but I played to much with the money and all that at the beginning without knowing I will support you one day too. But now I do and I want to play the game for real (also achievements). Because I'm a perfectionist I would like to reset my game progress so far and wanted to ask if anyone knows how to do that. BTW GREAT WORK AND THANKS FOR NOT STOPPING TO UPDATE YOUR GAME ❤️


Glad you're enjoying it. For anyone else with the same question who sees this, to completely delete all data for this game go to the registry entry for the game in windows and delete it. If you're not sure what that means google "Delete Unity Game Save Data" for a more detailed walkthrough.