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This week I started animating the Bonnie maledom scene. The scene isn't triggerable in gameplay yet, so it can be viewed from the "Patron Rewards -> Demo Scene" button. I'm going to be making an effort to get back to doing two updates a week after falling out of the habit after my last break.

I also stumbled into a way to reduce the file size by about 20% by changing the way the game map is loaded. Without getting too technical I've placed the map in the game files in a way that will allow it to be reused across every scene without having to be loaded. This should also reduce load times a small amount.

Mid-next week I'm going to try and finish the trigger for the scene. Once the counter measure is fully charged the tablet will change screens to a new menu with a few options:

"Disable Network Access" - Will stop Bonnie from hacking for the rest of the night
"Engage Protocol: Submissive" - Will trigger the maledom scene
"Disconnect" - Will exit the menu without doing anything

If I finish the trigger I'm looking to move the game to Unity's new render pipeline "URP". There's two tricky aspects to making this move, the first is getting it to work without ruining all the old materials. The second is that I'd like to release two builds, one with the old renderer and one with the new renderer. That way its possible to compare and contrast performance and aesthetics between the two builds, however it would require that I make this change as a very last part of the update.



Will we need to re download to see the bonnie scene?


The scene was just added to the build attached to the latest post. You'll have to download it to see the scene.


For some reason i cant use doors, give mangle money, see the foxy and puppets meters fill or see the dildos.

Iron Collie

I think with the addition of springtrap, the mechanics are screwing with the actual layout of the game, i.e it's acting as though if you had already triggered her femdom scene. There's a few other bugs to, like when Puppet literally walked past my door to trigger the femdom scene, but I think those are related to other things, I think the big problem is just the mesh with springtraps mechanics and the coding.