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These past few days I've been working on some final polish before the public release early next month. I'm still working on some of these features, I just wanted to get this build out before the end of the month. Story mode is probably not going to work in this version due to restructuring detailed below.

I've improved Springtrap's strap-on so that her body clips through it less. I also found a technique that will prevent the inner skeleton from poking through the cavity sheaths, Springtrap already has this fix, the other bots will be getting it shortly. Finally, I fixed a lighting issue that was causing Springtrap's hat to "flash" during her game over.

The cavity sheaths will now appear during the night. This required replacing each of the bots (except the puppet) with a variant derived from the toy box models. This is a long overdue fix as any time I wanted to make changes to a bot I had to do so in all of their game over scenes, the "arcade/story night" scene, the toy box scene, and the title scene. Once the bots are replaced in the game over and title scenes the cavity sheaths will appear everywhere. This also lays the groundwork for some future features such as selecting different skins to appear during gameplay/game overs, similar to how the Halloween skins appear everywhere.



I'm sorry if this has been brought up before, but is the demo supposed to charge you? I paid 175 in game for checking out Springtrap's pegging scene.


Fredrika's Stuck in door in Toybox fixed !! What a day!