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This week I started making changes to how volume can be controlled in game as well as fixing some bugs that were still in the last release. There will be a poll to see what gets added to version 0.13 tomorrow morning.

I was initially going to start off with just controlling the audio cues as an option extra difficulty, but since there was interest in controlling the main menu's music and the white noise of the office I added those options as well. There are 4 separate volume sliders: "BGM" which currently only effects the main menu, "Ambience" which effects the white noise in the office as well as the buttons/doors, "Sex Bots" which controls the footsteps/breathing the sex bots do, and "Shop Music" which  controls Mangle's music.

Next week I'll be attempting to tie each bot's sound level to their difficulty level. The tricky part will be having the difficulty volume be compatible with the new volume settings. The implementation I'm planning on having is the volume setting being a "cap" so that if the sex bot's difficulty has a louder value it will be reduced to the setting's value.

Some of the bugs I fixed include Feste's dialogue cutting out on the Bonnie present night before he tells you what color the present is and Fredrika's breast physics not working during gameplay (also effecting the boob-size cheat).