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Update: Fixed an issue with the puppet not appearing in the toy box

Update 2: Fixed an issue that prevented the "Preview New Scene" button from the Patron rewards menu from working. Also added the Puppet/Mangle scene to the scene select cheat.

This week I worked toward finishing the Pupple/Mangle scene. Since the last update was only a few days ago there isn't a whole lot added to this build. I finished the transition animation between the final two loops and laid down the ground work for the climax animation. After it's polished I just need to hook up the scripts for sounds/ejaculation and ti will be finished.

The final public preview should be available in a matter of days now that I've finally got a free schedule.



why the puppet is not in the toy box anymore ?


Can you add Mangle scene in scene select? xD


Mangle's game over scene should be under MangleGO. I'll add the Puppet/Mangle scene to the list when it's completed.


Scratch that, after investigating further I see that the puppet/mangle button from the title screen isn't working. I'm fixing it now and then I'll upload a new build.


Hmm.. any1 else have a problem with the Discord channel not appearing?