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I wasn't quite able to get a full public release underway this week as I had intended. I underestimated how much work still needed to be done such as animating the puppets walk cycle, jump scare, and finishing her programming. I've pretty much finished the puppet this week (and her story mode night) and she's almost completely functional in arcade mode as well.

There are two glaring problems that kept me from releasing this build to the public though. First, Fredrika and the Puppet share an "attack" door and I haven't implemented a way to handle them sharing a hallway. And secondly  the puppet hasn't been added to the toy box yet. I should be able to work on those next week and then the latest updates will be available for everyone again.

I'm also going to be uploading builds exclusively to Patreon now. It's inconvenient and no longer necessary to upload to two separate locations, plus Patreon is more accessible and should have better download speeds anyway.



I can't wait to see it ^.^

Aritha Jayasekera

Hey smut, will the public release be available before Friday


Not before Friday, probably on Friday for all patrons and then Sunday for the general public.