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This month I (finally) finished the credits system so that credits can be semi-automatically added to the latest build of the game. The only thing that requires manual input is the approval process which I will be trying to do every few days. You can see the new credits system (and submit your name if you're eligible) in the latest beta build on smutcube.com. You will need a new access code as they expire at the beginning of each month.

I also did some light work on the puppet's game over scene, improving the lighting and properly setting up her shader settings to make her appear more "plastic" to match the other animatronics. Now that I've completed all the back end work that I wanted to get done I'll be working pretty much exclusively on the puppet's animation and implementation. I'm still hoping for a November public release but it might creep into the first or second week of December.



cool, what are your future plans for this game?


Hello I'm back supporting your game, but when I tried to play your latest beta I'm stuck in the credits screen. What can I do? Also is there a way to view the Puppet game over animation now? Thanks!


What happens when you click the gray button at the bottom of the credits that says "Click Here To Continue"? It should start with the 18+ warning continue button, then the credits continue button, then you should be taken to the title screen.


I'd like to add more game over animations and a couple more characters, the order in which that is done will be determined by future polls.


Oooh I found the problem, I was playing in a wide screen resolution and the gray button was cropped due to the long screen proportion. I changed the setting to something squarish and I can play just fine, thanks! Also the Puppet animation is off to a good start, looking forward to the jumpscare! (which I hope will be quite sexy)


What resolution? I test up to 2560x1080 so if I need to expand my testing range I can do that.


The resolution I used is 1280 x 720. I used the wider resolution since if I used the squarish ones the poster in the right and left side of the room will be cropped up.


Oh, it's because I didn't set it to scale properly I'll have it fixed for the next release.


ok cool, what about getting a real model for the player?


how does one trigger the puppet's game over scene?


The in game trigger hasn't been added, you can preview it from the Patron rewards menu.


I don't currently have plans to change any of the models drastically, that is something I'd save for a sequel since its difficult to change a model after it's been animated.


Eventually, nothing planned for the immediate future F*NAF "1" is still deep into development.


so have you figured out why the start is missing in the menu when I try to play it? a missing file?


It's probably a permissions issue, the game needs to be able to write the necessary files to the game folder. Try moving the game folder to your desktop or to your "my documents" folder.


Just to make sure, the current Puppet animation is heavily unfinished and only have the first step of the animation, right?


I'm working on a build with some extra error reporting which should be ready in less than an hour. It should give me some more information as to why its not working on your particular setup.


Okay, I uploaded a new build that should do some small error reporting to smutcube.com when an access code is accepted but it's not able to be used. Download F*NAF from smutcube.com again and try to enter your access code again and let me know what happens.


it said something about perhaps being in a protected location like program files, but it's not It makes no difference whether it is in my documents, local disk or desktop or my games the start option is missing in all. :(


I wasn't able to reproduce the error I got from your machine, my best guess is that it has something to do with how the game is being launched (in a sandbox or VM maybe?) or some obscure setting that I couldn't toggle on my machine. Anyway, I'm changing how the downloading works so that the game can be "installed" anywhere with or without admin permissions. That should be updated in the next beta build so let me know if you still run into issues after you download the next build.


ok so I dled the new one and there is no change at all. :( Opening with 7zip console just pops up a blak window and then vanishes and anything i dl from here/you i get an error with winrar that there is no archive. I got winzip and put the files in a folder on my desktop and launched it but on the main menu the start option is still missing. it's weird because the first version i dled from you version 5 beta worked fine and wasn't missing anything but every version after that is messed up. is there a file missing? I am stumped. :(


The play menu only appears after the necessary data is downloaded as of Beta #6 in an attempt make it harder to be leaked to non patrons . For some reason your computer isn't allowing that data to be downloaded to where it needs to be downloaded. If you feel comfortable, send me a PM with the following info: What's your operating system (Windows XP/7/8/10)? Are you running an emulator like WINE in Linux or some kind of VM? Are you aware of any security settings on your PC that might interfere with an application's ability to "write" data? If I can reproduce the error on my machine it will make troubleshooting infinitely easier. The weirdest part is that archive extraction only works sporadically for you on a non-corrupt RAR file. It's likely that your machine is encountering a hardware/driver/file system error that is interfering with the extraction program as well. Theoretically, if one program can open an archive they all should be able to as the data being operated on isn't being changed. As a last resort, if possible, you might try reinstalling windows, or dual booting a second installation of windows, or running windows in a VM to test if its a hardware issue.