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This week I've been working on the way Patreon rewards are redeemed in game. This involved creating new menus for enabling beta content, submitting names for credits, and a cheat menu to replace the old cheat code system. This is potentially laying the ground work for everything to be accessible from inside the F*NAF or even future titles including development updates/patch notes/automatically updating credits/and possibly content updates.

I'll be releasing the beta build with these new systems in tow within the next few hours. This will be mostly a test of how well the new systems work, making sure that everyone is able to get what they're entitled to. I'm fully expecting it to break, I just want to see how/where it's going to break so that it can be fixed.


The new build is up and ready to be tested. All you should need to do after downloading/extracting is click the "Patron Rewards" button on the main menu, then click the "Get Access Code", give Patreon permission, then copy the 16 digit code and paste it into the box that comes up when clicking "Enter Access Code" in the game. It sounds complicated but it should be pretty self explanatory when you're walking through it.



You're one of my more reliable creators on patreon. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to it.


Thanks! I wish I could have added some new sexy content this week but this was something that needed to be done. I'll get back to the good stuff next week though.


Hey i dont know the exact contact info for him but there is a model maker that goes by Red eye thats got a v2 version of the models i dont know if he has them for all of the characters but from the looks they are based roughly around what disembowels newer models


I'm a $1 patreon will I still be able to play the full game?


The beta builds are plastic tier or higher, but the game itself is still free. So when Version 0.07 is ready it will be released to everyone not just the beta testers.


The start button is not showing up when I restart


Seems like an issue with permissions blocking the creation of new files. If you extracted the game to a protected folder such as "Program Files" you'll need to move it to an area without special permissions such as your desktop, or create a folder on the root directory of your drive. I'll see if there's a work around so that it can be launched as an administrator or if there's some other solution. Another solution I've found is to change the properties of the executable by right click "FNAF.exe", clicking the compatibility tab, then checking the box labeled "Run as Administrator". I may have to store content outside of the directory to avoid issues downloading content in the future.