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V0.06 is completed to my satisfaction and is available on smutcube.com at the usual location. The beta will run for a short time before the public release later today.

I finished the Fredrika animation which is the first to feature the player ejaculating outside of an animatronic. This was something I was intentionally avoiding because of the complexities involved. After exploring a few different options I settled on a combination of particle effects and static meshes. This approach is simple to develop, easy on system resources, and I feel like it is "good enough" in quality for the foreseeable future.

I also added an options menu to each game over scene which will allow you to change the color of the male player, control the brightness of the scene, and switch between black and white and full color, more options will be added at a later date.

Because they had been leaked, the cheat codes needed to be changed, I will be posting the new ones after this post. If you were a $20 patron during July send me an e-mail/ Patreon message and I'll message you the new cheats.


Officer Hackney

Once again, you have made another great update!


Deleted comments will be posted in one concise message for ease of viewing. For any replies reference that one.


I fixed the issue with simple/intense lighting in the office and I fixed the options UI on foxy's game over scene. I didn't think I ever had a way to end a night early, I'll have to look at older versions.


The option should be available for all scenes, some scenes are just color by default (which seems to be the ones having issues), It works flawlessly in the editor but fails when its built. I'll have to rewrite some code for that.


Sorry about the disorganization, I keep forgetting to shift-enter to start a new line. All previous comments are compiled here After downloading the game I found a bunch of bugs, those of which have been addressed I'll state: -Lighting: Simple vs. Intense lighting switch wasn't working properly (has been addressed as fixed). -Ending night early: Pressing escape to end the night doesn't work - (I could swear this was a feature, but if it isn't coded at this time or if it was not in previous versions that's fine; I'm probably just use to Scott's official games. Would like to see it as a feature in the future however!) -Options menu (Black and White switch): The toggle only appears to work for Frederika's game over scene (will be recoded). -Options menu doesn't work at all for Foxxxy's scene (addressed as fixed). -Transparency of the player model doesn't change in Bonni's scene (may be on purpose?) -After spamming spacebar to continue the scene at one point, the animation for the player got one step ahead of Frederika which was interesting. Doesn't happen often. -Also with transparency, the effects used for cumming are visible in Frederika's pole scene (Not sure if intentional but I can see a rectangle floating inside the player model's junk lol).


Okay, black and white feature has been fixed. I'm uploading the latest build with all the fixes as I type. Everything listed except for ending the night early and the archaic method I used for semen in the original Fredrika animation has been fixed, I'll have to give the old animation an upgrade with the new system at some point.


Just wanted to say thanks for the quick replies and the quick fixes. Truly a good dev :) I should also mention that in the Frederika door stuck scene, hitting esc does nothing (this is with the most recent one)


It definitely was a team effort, the quicker bugs are found the quicker I can fix them. I'm working on a patch now that will fix the Fredrika scene and fix some behind the scenes stuff.