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I'm making some changes to the development pipeline to allow for small updates between public releases where possible. These small updates should be considered as incomplete betas which may include incremental features and bug fixes that are in varying states of completion. The beta builds won't be what I consider "release" material but will be a chance to showcase some of the progress I talk about in the Friday update posts.

These builds will be available to all patrons until 07/01/18 after which they will be a reward for the new $3 "plastic tier" and higher. Public releases will still be free when they are finished.

The FIRST beta build is available now on SmutCube.com

I've completed the first beta build and uploaded it to:


After 07/01/2018 beta builds will be behind the same authentication used for the voting system so that only processed patrons above the plastic tier will have access.

New in this build:

New Toy Box feature: "Locking" Toys

Right clicking a toy in the toy box will reveal a new option: "Lock To...". Locking two toys together will keep them in sync with each other, moving or rotating one will move/rotate the other and playing any of their "shared" animations will cause them to all play that animation. This should make trying out different "game over" animations much easier.

Bug Fixes:

Fixed a bug with Bonnie's game over scene that caused sounds to become muted during one of her stages.

Fixed an issue with Foxy's Game Over scene that caused the secondary camera angle to be placed outside of the map.

I'll try to release beta builds whenever I've got the game to a stable point.