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The new voting system coming in early May will increase transparency into how voting weights contribute to the outcome of the poll. However, there are some issues with the voting system that need to be addressed first.

Over the past few months I have experienced a common Patreon issue where patrons will sign up, get the Patron rewards, and then leave before the end of the month. 

While I personally feel unaffected by this, I think it would be perfectly reasonable for paying patrons to feel cheated by this abuse.  The voting system exists exclusively as a way for me to offer some small reciprocation to individuals who provide financial support. If others can abuse the system to get 6x the number of votes (or more) it brings into question the fairness of that system.

So, what do you think is appropriate?

I would really like your opinion on this! I want to make it clear that I don't feel cheated by this practice and I'm only concerned with how it affects you and your perception of the voting system. I've outlined some ways of addressing (or not addressing) this in the new voting system and will leave the decision entirely in your hands:

Benefit of the Doubt

Unprocessed patrons will not be treated any differently, anyone who signs up on Patreon may immediately start voting with the tier they've signed up for. 

0 Voting Power

Unprocessed patrons will still be allowed to vote, but their votes will have 0 weight until the end of the month when their payment is processed.

1 Voting Power

Unprocessed patrons will still be allowed to vote, but no matter what tier they've signed up for their votes will only receive a weight of 1.

Warning/ Manual Review

The first time a patron goes to vote they will be presented with a screen explaining that votes are only to be placed by patrons who intend to keep their pledge active until their payment is processed at the end of the month. If a patron then abuses the system, they will be suspended from voting until they appeal the suspension (which I will manually review) or they are successfully processed by Patreon. 



That would be a great way of doing it, unfortunately that option isn't available to me. According to Patreon: <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front-How-do-I-get-it-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front-How-do-I-get-it-</a> "Charge up front is in beta and not available for all creators yet."


People will still be able to download your game for free using that method though. :/


F*NAF is free, the latest version of HCD requires a key that is only distributed to processed patrons upon request.