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I finished work on Bonnie's mini game as a stand alone asset this week (preview above, it's on youtube since it's totally SFW), from here I just need to implement it into the existing framework. 

Mini-game gameplay details:

The game is fairly simple, you just need to connect the dots from the power source (lightning bolt) to all of the batteries while avoiding the red "Bonnie" spots. The complexity of the puzzle will scale with the difficulty that you're playing on (medium difficulty is what's shown in the preview). The puzzles aren't intended to be difficult, just distracting enough to compound the difficulty of everything else that's going on. 

Plans for next week:

Next week I'll be working on tying everything together to get Bonnie implemented as well as doing some overhaul work to controls. I'd like the entire game to be able to be played with just a mouse. In the future I might add the option for keyboard controls, the mouse is just the easier option right now.


F*NAF Bonnie Mini-Game Preview



That's awesome! I know you've probably gotten this question before, but have you considered VR? I'm not a dev so I really have no clue how hard that would be to add lol.


It's not difficult from a technological stand point, but designing a game to work both in an out of VR (while doing both well) can be challenging. I might attempt adding it at some point, or it might something like F*NAF - VR edition; I'll throw up a poll to see how much of an interest there is.


I'm with him on not knowing anything about game development but couldn't you take theframework you have right now and transfer it to a vr engine or is that wishful thinking


There's no need to move it to a different engine, Unity has VR plugins available. The challenge comes from how VR is designed: everything needs to be scaled properly, the UI needs to support "touches" as well as clicks, and movement needs to be handled very carefully or it can cause motion sickness. I'll be putting up a poll shortly seeing what interest there is.