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First I'd like to thank all of you for your support! You've really motivated me to keep working on two of my passion projects which will hopefully continue to grow and get better.

Since we're approaching the end of the month and you will soon be charged for your pledge amount there are a couple important pieces of information you should be aware of:

1. F*NAF will always be a 100% free game.

This is something that has been posted on the SmutCube website since I launched it, but considering many of you may have arrived on this Patreon without ever visiting my site let me clarify something: F*NAF is what I consider a "parody work" it uses IP and assets from other creators and as such it would be morally objectionable for me to sell it in any way shape or form. This means there will be no patron only versions or early access, your support pays for my work/time not for a game license which will be made freely available. 

Patrons will continue to receive a key for the latest version of H-Core Dungeon at the end of each cycle, if you don't want it feel free to give it away.

2. I am overhauling patron reward tiers

When I created this Patreon I intended to incorporate H-Core Dungeon game play mechanics heavily into the reward tiers. Because I underestimated the demand for updates to F*NAF those mechanics may not be implemented for months. Since I can't give a definitive date as to when I will be able to fulfill those mechanic based rewards I am removing those rewards from the tiers. I will be replacing them with additional voting power as well as separating game credits by tier.

How the new weighted polls will work:

Each tier will have a multiplier applied to their votes (i.e. Paper tier = 1 vote, Cloth tier = 2 votes, etc.) with a maximum of 6 voting power at the divine tier. Having it increment per tier (and not per dollar) should allow the majority of patrons to continue to control the outcome while still offering some reward for those who go above and beyond. Patreon currently doesn't offer an elegant way of achieving this so I will be looking for an offsite solution.

How credits will appear in game:

After your payment is processed if you're in the leather tier or above I will be sending a message on Patreon asking what name/alias you would like to appear in the credits. Your name will appear in the patron section of the credits ordered by tier in descending order: Divine tier on top, Arcane tier second, Metal tie third, and leather tier fourth. If you don't get back to me with a name before the scheduled release of the next build your name/alias will be patched into the build after I receive you response.


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