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Sorry for skipping last week's update, I didn't have the energy at the end of the day on Monday because I spent the whole work day writing and then continued up until I went to sleep, and then on Tuesday it was the same, so by that point I was like, I'll just wait until next week.

Notable updates:

  • Sketched the Dream CG
  • Finished the sketch for one of the Pictogram event CGs that I had forgotten to list while writing up the big update
  • Started planning out the Group Studying CG, but it's not at a stage where I'd post the sketch here yet
  • Wrote 16,219 words of script
  • Wrote an extra 5,199 words of miscellaneous information, event summaries, more in depth explanations of certain lore concepts that I'll need later (details for myself, just good practice to write absolutely everything that could potentially matter down, to make sure that you don't forget or convolute things while writing), etc.
  • Did "layouts" for several important scenes and tested them in Ren'py. For example, this-

-is a scene layout, where I edit the sprites to suit how I want them to appear in specific scenes. From there it's legitimately as easy as having the newly edited sprite appear on top of the appropriate background in Ren'py itself, with most of the considerations from that point on being how the sprite will "move" around in the area, aka where or how I'm planning to position it as the dialogue advances, what specific transition animations to use, their timings, etc.

That being said, this Peal scene isn't one of the scenes that I did recently, this is just one of the ones I think looks nice. The scenes that I did recently are the boring everyday kind, like this one, that aren't particularly interesting looking:

  • Continued doing miscellaneous but important organizational tasks that I had been procrastinating on (procrastinating by writing, so I guess it wasn't so much procrastinating as it was shifting focus) such as organizing the music and sound effects in order of when they would play, by day and by scene.
  • Edited certain sound effects and music tracks in FL to better suit the scenes they appear in, mostly adjustments to the levels, panning and master/EQ of ambience, such that those don't sound ugly or like they're competing for audio space when layered on top of the music

And that's all for now. Thank you all for your support as always!


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