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The third of these paintings. I actually did all of these over the course of three days because of the deadline I was given so I'm not super proud of how they came out but hopefully you guys like them!




Gloss do you ever get a feeling at times you can over render drawings? I’m doing some more master studies off your own works and creating my own ideas with your style…and I’m asking myself when do I know I’m “done” rendering ? I know you get surgical with your colors but I also understand why u would say u don’t feel the piece … so let me ask this which one of these is your least favorite piece ? And why is that ? And what do you believe you could have done better?


To answer the second question first, this one is the one that I like the least. I had to do a bunch of revisions on it, including changing the ass shape to be more generally round and it's also the last one I worked on so I was more than burned out already even before I started on it, which lead to a bunch of lazy decisions and easily fixable mistakes. I feel like it would have come out better if I had more time to step away from and return to each, like say a week instead of three days but there's nothing I could have done about that.


As for when you're done rendering, that's something only you can answer for yourself. I decide that I'm done rendering when any changes I decide to make stop changing the overall feeling of the image/the look I wanted out of it, and only you know what your illustration looks like in your head