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Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of illustration posts recently. I've been mostly focusing on SweetCanvas so I've been working on a bunch of illustrations (the CGs for the game) that I'm not sure if I want to post yet. 

Of course, I'll be showing a few of these off in advance and as part of the upcoming Kickstarter launch (now tentatively scheduled for the middle/end of June) but I'm not sure which ones yet, since I want to keep spoilers to a minimum so for now I've just been keeping them to myself until I make the decision.

On top of that, I've been continuing work on the sprites, writing, etc. as well, all of which are difficult to update on since it's just expressions and alternate poses and the like. Things that don't warrant their own individual posts.

But with all that said, thanks everyone for sticking around and supporting me and/or this project, I seriously appreciate it and it would have been impossible to have come this far without you! I hope everyone will look forward to more extensive updates in the near future and I hope everyone has had a great month!


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