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A work in progress, posting this one for all patrons just as a small general SweetCanvas update!

The sprites have been coming along fine (as those that watch me stream in the discord will know), and ideally I'll have finished these initial poses with all of their expressions by the end of this month. 

I'm also currently commissioning a graphic artist for a legitimate SweetCanvas logo in preparation for creating the trailer and other graphics for the Kickstarter!

I feel like I mentioned this before but just in case I didn't, the trailer will be something along the lines of the usual trailer you would see for a visual novel's Kickstarter campaign. 

That is to say, this won't be the actual animated opening that the VN will have, I'm planning to ideally commission that either later this year or sometime next year depending on my financial situation by the end of the year.

I'll be posting another blog soon that will have more detail on all of this, as well as other more general updates on more mundane things like how the routes will be handled, obstacles I had to overcome with the script, how much money I've actually spent so far out of pocket and why I'm only now deciding to do a Kickstarter, etc.

Thank you all for all of your support as always! SweetCanvas is only possible because of everyone's generosity and that's something I'll never forget even long after the project is completed




gl on the kickstarter. hope the funding goes smooth.