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Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday season and I wish all of you a happy New Year!

Just wanted to update everyone (that hasn't already seen it in the discord) but I need to take my PC into a shop after getting a beep code for potential ram or motherboard failure. For the time being I just hadn't been using it while waiting for the Patreon payout for the month as well as making sure I have all my monthly living and SweetCanvas expenses sorted out first, but I'll be taking it in soon! 

Just wanted to let everyone know that's the reason behind the lack of posts for the last two weeks or so, sorry. I'll be posting the PSDs for last month soon and I uploaded a bunch of the timelapses to the cloud so I'll probably be able to add music to and upload those on my laptop but probably don't expect to see any actual art until at least next week unfortunately...

But in the time being I've been dedicating my days to writing large swaths of the script for SweetCanvas, something I usually just fit in little chunks of at the end of a long day, so that has been nice! 

There will be some Patreon changes as soon as the PC thing is sorted out (some updated tier images as well as slight structural changes that won't affect current patrons so don't worry) but I'll announce those later.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great week and thank you as always for sticking around and supporting me, it means so much even if you're here for just a little while, I couldn't do what I do without you!! 


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