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My neighbor across the courtyard
Just recently moved in 
Neither of us have curtains 
And I think we watch each other 
In a non-weird way 
He started with a box of nothing 
No furniture 
Nothing on the walls
Nothing in the windowsill 
Just like me 
But now he has his office set up 
A plant hanging in the window
Books stacked in the sill 
His space has come to life 
Just like mine has
He has the same ikea lamps as I do 
And I wonder
Is he lonely like me? 
He makes music and videos and creative things 
And I wonder 
Is he happy with his work?
Is he good at what he does?
Does he get in his own way
Just like I do? 
I’ve never seen anyone in his apartment 
And he’s never seen anyone in mine 
And I will never meet him 
But I think he’s doing the best he can 
Just like I am 



I like the empathy you display in your poems 🪭 Good work as usual 🔥

Rico Suave

Just reach out as a neighbor and perhaps take him a small plant