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Hi guys sorry this one took longer than expected, this is based and inspired by the 3d face model the official Wendy's twitter uses in their "roasts" Figured I try to paint and mimic the style in lines of a more Pixar like painting? lol anyways enjoy everyone! Also, here's a story, I used with chat gpt:


Shrunk by a Curse: A Tiny Man's Love for Wendy's Feet

Wendy sat on the beach, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the sound of the waves. Suddenly, she noticed a tiny man walking towards her.

Wendy: "Oh my goodness! What in the world? Is that a tiny man?!"

Tiny man: "Please, can you help me? I've been cursed and shrunk. I need to return to my normal size."

Wendy: "Of course, but how can I help?"

Tiny man: "The only way to break the curse is for me to clean your feet for years."

Wendy: "Hmm, that's a bit strange. But if it will help you, then let's do it."

As the tiny man began cleaning her feet, Wendy couldn't help but secretly enjoy it. She felt a sense of pleasure and relaxation, and even vocalized her feelings.

Wendy: "Oh wow, this feels amazing. I never realized how much I loved having my feet taken care of."

The tiny man was happy to hear Wendy's praise and continued to clean her feet every day. Over time, they grew closer, and Wendy found herself looking forward to her daily foot massages.

Years passed, and the tiny man had cleaned Wendy's feet for so long that the curse finally broke. He returned to his normal size, but he had developed deep feelings for Wendy.

Tiny man: "Thank you for everything. I will never forget you."

Wendy: "I won't forget you either. You have been a special part of my life, and I'm going to miss you."

As they parted ways, Wendy realized that she had fallen in love with the tiny man. She knew that their bond was too strong to ignore, and so she set out to find a way to join him in his world.

In the end, Wendy and the tiny man lived happily ever after, their love stronger than ever.

With and Without:

  • Dynamic Shadows
  • Small Man
  • Dialog
  • Sock Left / Right
  • Gothic Version

DOWNLOAD 1: Original Wendy's.rar

DOWNLOAD 2: Goth Wendy's.rar

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KasumiKills/status/1649442386261721088?s=20

DA: Wendy's: A Tiny Shrunk by a Curse by Kaskills on DeviantArt



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