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Thank you for commissioning me! This was part of the Commissioner Tier 2 (realism pledge on Patreon!

With and without:

  • Clothes: Sleaves, Outfit, Horns, Mask 👚
  • Small Man
  • Dialog 💬

Short Story (Assisted by Chat GPT:

(Scene: Scarlett Johansson, dressed as her character Mount Lady from the anime series My Hero Academia, accidentally sits on a tiny man.)

Scarlett Johansson: (concerned) Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?

Tiny Man: (Smushed) Heh, sorry for 'butting' in.

Scarlett Johansson: (surprised) Really? You're not hurt or anything?

Tiny Man: (grinning) No, I'm not hurt. Actually, I kinda liked it.

Scarlett Johansson: (confused) You liked it? Being sat on by a giantess?

Tiny Man: (nodding) Yeah, it was kinda exciting. I've always had this thing for giant women.

Scarlett Johansson: (amused) Oh, really? Well, I'm glad I could be of service.

Tiny Man: (grinning) I don't suppose you'd be willing to do it again?

Scarlett Johansson: (laughing) I don't think that would be a good idea. But hey, maybe we can find some other way to indulge your fantasy.

Tiny Man: (smiling) That would be amazing. I can't believe I just met my celebrity crush and she's also a giantess.

Scarlett Johansson: (grinning) Well, I'm not really a giantess in real life. But I can play one on TV.

Tiny Man: (laughing) I know, I know. But you'll always be a giantess in my eyes.

Scarlett Johansson: (laughing) Okay, well, let's go grab a drink or something and talk more about this giantess thing.

Tiny Man: (nodding eagerly) I'd love to.

DOWNLOAD: Scarlett Johansson as Mount Lady.rar

DA Post: [Comm]Scarlett Johansson as Mt Lady by Kaskills on DeviantArt

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KasumiKills/status/1647850640914395137?s=20 



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