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hi guys sorry for my absence, i recently went to the ER a few days a go for agonizing pain in my left hand, they 'fast tracked' me, and the doctors did surgery on it... also got a tetanus shot i wasn't able to sleep for 2 days straight, the pain and then side effects of the tetanus shot chills and hot flashes. 

now, typing this with just in one hand it still has a lot of pain. i don't know how long til the pain goes away but taking antibiotics they prescribed{amoxicillin-pot clavulanate) for the infection, but they didn't give me anything for the pain so i have been using over the counter meds. :(

i plan on doing more art when i recover, thinking about more anime and cartoon characters, but anyways thank you all for your patience staying and supporting me <3



Please take care😢


Oh that sucks, wishing you a speedy recovery.