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Hello everyone... 

I recently lost my dog just 1 week ago from today his name is Milo, a Jack Russel Terrier mix, I lost him to muscle cancer that made it difficult for him to breathe. 

I don't know what to do anymore, everything feels empty and meaningless without him, he was always by my side since the first day my mother brought him home to me in March of 2013, from the Humane Society he was about 4 years old. 

Milo got sick late July into August, and noticed a lump on his right forearm, and found out later it was a spider bite. That was a month before the cancer tumor on his back appeared, those tests didn't catch the cancer at that time. It all happened so fast, and I did everything I could but there's no cure, not even surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy would help. The Doctor told me all I could do is give him love and keep him as comfortable as I could, but I had to ultimately think about Milo's well being, did I want him to suffer more and it will get worse, so she told me again to seriously think about Euthanasia.

So a couple days later I spent all my time with Milo until his last day which was October 28th, 2021. I treated him like a king, gave him all his favorite food even the forbidden snacks and barbeque smoked meat we made that Wednesday. I hugged and kissed him so much and massaged him as much as I could. On Thursday we took him to his favorite park on the base, he loved it, I let him run off the leash free it was almost as if he didn't have any pain and breathing problems, he was so happy for his last moments he had on earth.  We even treated him some Burger King on the base right before his appointment, he didn't care for the whooper but he did love the nuggets. I had to chew them down for him because he was no longer able to enjoy food like he use to since about 2 weeks ago when his breathing declined so quickly. 

2:00pm came so fast, my mom, younger brother, and I had to took him to the Veterinary Clinic to be euthanized, as much as I didn't want to, I had to. I couldn't bare to see what would happen to my baby boy Milo if I were to hold on selfishly. The cancer was filling his lungs then eventually he wouldn't be able to breathe and which would be a painful suffocation and death... My wishes were to have Milo euthanized in the car, in my arms and on his bed with his first blanket we gave him, while I also gave Milo my blanket I had since I was a baby. because I didn't want them to do it in a cold lab room away from his family. For his last time on earth this us he they had him under anesthesia before injecting him with the euthanasia, I kept crying and crying telling him how much I loved him, and that I will see him again. it was  to end all of his sufferings the cancer caused him, even the sickness he got just a couple months before hand he was suffering from causing extreme pain in his joints and all over his body.

Now, I feel emptiness there is a void in my heart, whenever I look around where he use to be, he is no longer there. I know that he's watching over me somewhere, he is my boy, the light of my light, my soulmate and always will love him. Rest in Peace Milo, my baby Boy March 2009 - October 2021.

Thank you everyone that supported me, I will continue to honor his memory and try to be the best I could be, it will take time for me to grieve and if some of you can't wait I understand. Thank you for all the support it help Milo until the end. 

Posts in loving memory of Milo

Status by Kaskills on DeviantArt



David Davidson

The loss of a good doggo can be more painful than a human family member. RIP pupper.