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Good news I finished Piper pin up.

Bad news my iPad storage is full. What does this mean? I can’t upload all of the files until I clear out more space. I deleted a bunch of files but it still full. Offloading apps/iCloud uploading to try to make space on the device. The reason why I can’t upload anything is because Mega is preventing any upload because apparently it requires storage space to do that. I apologize for the delays and inconvenience everyone! 😞

Update : Uploading half right now, this one has so many alts with different pieces of clothing, Tiny, and futa near the end. About 100 total but 50% as of now will update album here:

Update 2: So going forward with alts like these I will try to minimize the bulk of clothing alts and try to simplify these and focus on the important alts. Because of how much space it takes up, time it takes to upload when I could be working on the next art piece. 



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