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Should of done this months ago but at this point i have no excuse to keep it any longer.

short answer: Since both tiers get the same content and majority of supports for that tier tend to leave within a week of joining. i see no reason to keep it. 

Long answer: new owners for the apartment complex raised the prices for the second time and im barely scrapping by with support from here and the few ych's/ commissions  im able to put out. it puts alot of pressure on me as the main financial support for my household, and i originally didnt wanna push the burden onto others to pay more but at this point i have to make this change.

 I do apologize if that was the only amount you can support with, and i do appreciate the long standing support you have given me for so long. <3



What a shame. While I understand the need to do what you need to, it is sad that I'm unable to support you anymore. Best of luck in the future!


i do appreciate the 10 monthes you've been here, and hope you can make a return &lt;3


Shit, let me change my pledge real quick broski! I gotchu


If that's the case then wouldn't it be too much to upload the alts to the public? That's why I joined the $1 tier.


Perhaps I can subscribe to the upper tier in the future! But at the earliest that would be next month, since I won't want to be charged for both theirs in the same month aha. Still, you were an inspiration to me as a beginner artist, and your works still remain in my references board!


Damn, that's not right to do that to you yet again. Can't blame you on that front and I'm more than willing to stick by your side for even more years to come. By the way, are you planning on making a new tier, or do I have to edit my pledge to add a bit more money?


thats a option i can agree with tho will have to be heavily delayed, since that is why i exclusively only have them here.


if anything its updating your pledge to the $5 one, and when tings get less chaotic for me life wise, i do plan on having monthly commission slots here.


Gotcha and thanks for the clarification. Good thing I'm already in the $5 tier. Last time I checked, it was the highest tier to do.


No problem thanks for the heads up. Honestly forgot I was only giving you a $1. The only thing I'd like in the future is maybe a monthly download pack of your twitter uploads, not sure what your personal policy is on something like that.


well thats the thing, you get more here than on twitter/ like the alts and full images and not crops of comic pages, but i can agree monthly download posts instead of one everytime something is posted would be better.


Gotta love those completely necessary rent raises. Our landlord is about to drive us out with that, I hope your situation improves.


I was mostly referring to the occasional commission you post on twitter, or are those old reposts? Hard to tell! Having one location to find the art of artists I like without having to deal with twitter's whacky file naming and download size restrictions is why I like patreon in the first place.


Damn, that sucks to hear. Unfortunately, I myself need to cut back on patreon expenses and may be unsubbing soon. (I have jumped to the $5 tier so you get the full amount just incase). I hope this gets resolved soon.