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Will start on these as the weeks roll out,thanks for voting! (Seriously tho,how are there 107 votes when theres 57 people here....)




Well, you said we could vote for multiple choices. I myself chose 4 or 5 things to vote for. Kinda inflates the results because one person can contribute up to 9 votes.


You can also vote multiple times. I went back to look at the results, voted again as a joke, and was surprised that it went through.


I voted for everything I liked, so about 4 or 5 votes came from me too


thanks for clearing that up,i assumed when i allowed multiple votes that it would just count as 1 per ip but guess not,but still thank you all to those who participated


This is waaaay late, but it does not appear my suggestion was read from the Patreon messages. I do not have tumblr so it is impossible to post in the "ask/suggestion box on tumblr.