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Hi patrons!

One of the ideas we had for an upcoming episode was to define common legal terms that you see everywhere but maybe aren't entirely sure what they mean.  (I loved the question I got about the difference, if any, between a lawyer and an attorney.)

One of the difficult things about actually being a lawyer is that I've forgotten which of our crazy specialized words are incomprehensible to the average person.  So here's where you come in:  fill up this thread with questions about what certain legal terms mean, and we'll tackle it on the show.

Oh!  And here's the fun part.  Thomas isn't allowed to read this thread, and I'm going to surprise him with the questions you have during our next record and see how many of them he can answer without help.  So really, you're not just getting your questions answered, you're also playing Stump  the Thomas.

Please leave your vocabulary-related legal questions below, and shhhh, no one tell Thomas about this thread!

P.S. I owe a big thank you to our patron Marie Kent of the fabulous My Book of Mormon podcast  who suggested the idea.  Please go give her show a listen -- it's really fascinating stuff.



What exactly does disbarred mean (is there more than one way to have this happen) and does it have an affect outside of the state bar association?


We answer this question on OA53, which airs next Tuesday :)


Is it too late to ask Thomas what the ideological difference is between a misdemeanor and a felony? If we came up with a new criminal law, what's the reason to categorize the violation of that law as one or the other.