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It's Liz ThursDYE! Lots has been made of the robots coming for the lawyer jobs... But is it all it's cracked up to be? Should a human use a lawyer to argue in front of the Supreme Court? Or is that... the single stupidest idea in history? Find out, with Liz Dye!




For anyone wondering before they listen, Liz's audio is fine in this episode. Dunno what happened last week


Has anyone checked if ms habba hasn't been using roboturney-at-law ? Could explain a few things.


"He promises something both patently illegal and technically impossible. He repeatedly Tweets his intention to break the law, or at very least deceive the court. And then the minute someone with 9,000 Twitter followers starts looking at him, he runs away like he got caught pissing in a collection box." Oh, so just a completely normal tech bro "disruptor", then. Take an idea that already exists, but do it both worse and illegally using the buzzwordiest available emerging technology, get media attention, either become one of the world's richest people or get convicted of some form of fraud, repeat. Legal commentators are watching this guy, but mainstream news seems to take his claims at face value. I don't understand how the media and public fail to catch on to this. It seems like they have fallen for exactly the same con hundreds of times per year for the past 20+ years.


It's been fun, yinz, but I'm out. Cancelling my patreon. Peace.


Sam P's revised GPT script contains context that would be valuable for a machine trying to build a fact pattern. GPT is not trying to build a fact pattern - I predict that the enhanced script will not help GPT do better.


Quick crunch of data says longest Streak on T3BE is 9, all the way back from Episode 90 - Episode 104


you meant to write "Should a human use a robot lawyer to argue in front of the Supreme Court?..." in the description right?


When are we addressing the elephant in the room?


Really disappointed to hear the news the day I after I joined your patreon RIP


If Thomas decides to spin-off.. I do want to see Judge Dredd - SCC. (Small claims court).


Scathing Guys already parted ways with Andrew. I trust their judgement


And yes any AI exposed to the internet will become a Nazi, even cute anime girls that play video games:

