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Some people are pissed about this, but should they be? What's happening and will Trump be charged in Georgia over his "perfect phone call?" Find out!

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Tom Lutes

The public has no pressing need to know NOW. Adults understand the need to withhold until the proper moment.

The MILF Formerly Known as Tzippi

"You're a good lawyer, you have a nice last name?" Christ, Donald, I would almost prefer you just call me a k-slur to my face. Listening to this dumb adult baby try to talk around his antisemitism is *exhausting*

Quark Twain

It's December 2024. Biden ran for reelection. He lost in Georgia by 10,000 votes, but he has highly credibile evidence that 100,000 votes in the state were stolen. He calls the GA Sec of State. He says, "Eventually I expect we'll find 100,000 more legit votes for me, but that may take too long. Can you find 11,000 of those votes as soon as possible, and then keep looking for the rest?" If GA finds those 11,000 votes and updates their vote total, it will be closer to correct, but still wrong. Does this mean Biden should be convicted of a crime for asking them to enter a vote total he knew to be incorrect? (The Trump case is different because he didn't have any evidence of voter fraud. But I don't think it's sufficient that he asked GA to find 11,000 votes. I think you have to prove intent, that he knew the votes he was asking to be added were illegitimate.)

Robin Brown

Go to court with your evidence. You don't just get people to change the numbers

Brendan H.

What's the chances of a 'despite being President I didn't know that was a crime' /mens rae defence working?


It honestly never occurred to me until listening to this episode that even asking for less votes than Trump claimed he believed he earned was an attempt at fraud. Maybe that was painfully obvious to everyone else here, but realizing that made it so much more clear cut to me that he's guilty.


Go Chiefs

Brian Pemberton

I have enjoyed the GPT3 sections of T3BE. As a software guy myself, this has been a good demonstration of how GPT3 functions. It parses out clauses in the question to build clauses in response, but it never assesses any of the clauses for truth/falsity. So it's immune to nuance. If it's a complicated question it's going to prefer a complicated answer, but it's essentially a parrot, not a seer.


It's also trained on a large body of people being extremely confident about the things they say, so it really doesn't do half-measures, it will be very confidently incorrect.


At 30:22 and 30:36 I swear I hear a cat's meow.


What is the hierarchy of Right? If Rednecks trump gun amateurs, what trumps Trump?