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The answer to the question was (C).  Thomas is now 4-for-6 (67%) and is on an improbable winning streak.

This question tested whether you knew that a prenuptial agreement must be in writing to be enforceable.  Almost everyone who answered this question online did so correctly, so I guess this qualifies as an "easy" question.  I thought some of you might be distracted by (D), but as it turns out, it's irrelevant whether the husband "promised" to put the pre-nup in writing.  Even had he not, an oral agreement is unenforceable in this context for the reasons we describe on the show (which include the general lack of available extrinsic evidence to support it).

We hope you enjoyed playing along with TTTBE; there's more analysis forthcoming in Epsiode 35, and Question #7 will drop on Friday along with Episode 36!  Keep playing!