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Sorry to those who are sick of D&D-talk but with Wizards now putting the SRD 5.1 under a CC share alike license doesn't this mean any work building on it has to use the same license? People seem elated now which makes me doubt myself but won't there be a rude awakening when ppl realize their adventures and other homebrew content are free for anyone to reproduce?


Back in the Cop Rock LAM, Andrew mentioned that he needed to Episode 8, and you talked about plans to do more after Episode 2, but it looks like that never happened. Any chance you'll go back and do Episode 8 sometime?


No. Not all open source licenses are "copy-left". The SRD is being released under the "Creative Commons Attribution" license. For the most part, that license just requires you to give proper credit to the original author.


Q for Andrew: Looking back on your days as a student with Dersh as your professor/mentor, with the benefit of perfect hindsight can you identify *any* warning signs that he might go off the rails? Or did he seem absolutely 100% OK then and now is just a completely different person? I know you've said he was respected by you and others at the time, but curious if there's anything you remember about him that through the lens of your current knowledge makes you reconsider and think, hmmm, maybe the signs were there...


Two Questions for Andrew: What is your opinion of top law schools removing themselves from US News and World Report's rankings of law schools? And What is your opinion of top law schools joining the recent practice of not requiring the LSAT as an admission evaluation? Thanks!


Andrew, is it libel to use a passive 3rd person voice to lie about someone else? E.g. "If someone were to search Thomas' home, one might just find a set of law books he's memorized, showing he really knew all the answers to T3BE all along, and he was just messing with us. If one were so inclined as to do that."


A questions about gerrymandering: Who is responsible for determining districts and what is the process for changing updating the rules? Not changing the shape of districts, but the rules for themselves. My main question is could gerrymandering be 'fixed' by introducing a simple rule like 'A district can have, at most, 6 edges.'?


Re scotus leak: Is there anyway justices could voluntarily provide an affidavit that they didn’t leak the Dobbs decision to put additional pressure on Alito?


RE: The Rust/Alec Baldwin indictment. There was mention of the idea that the prosecutor might be charging under the idea that the combination of negligence that stemmed from Baldwin pulling the trigger (supposedly) and being one of the producers combined to create a situation where they thought they an indictment for involuntary manslaughter was appropriate. Is that a typical strategy? It seems strange that a prosecutor would prosecute based on the idea that two acts in two completely separate roles by the same person (neither of which would rise to the level of involuntary manslaughter alone) are additive. I'm guessing it comes down to whatever they can convince a jury of, but absent a specific statutory definition like capital murder (murder + felony) or something like that, is this something that happens often?


The house had a hard time electing a speaker this year, we all saw that. What happens if this happens again in 2025? The republicans keep the house and it all happens again, no speaker is elected before its time to count the electoral votes in a joint session. Can a joint session even happen if the house doesn't have a speaker?


Regarding Alan Dershowitz’s insistence on using the term, “of counsel,” could you expand on what the intent of insisting on that term might be, even with OA’s stance that the term doesn’t mean much or anything in effect?


What do you do if you need a lawyer in an emergency? Say the cops come to your house at 6:00 on a Saturday and want to take you in for questioning. Obviously, you need a lawyer, but most people don't have one on tap. What do you do? How do you get a lawyer in this situation?


Re: Fulton County Grand Jury Report I served on a jury. It was a miracle that a dozen strangers could agree on a verdict in a basic slip n fall case. How on earth does a jury of my peers write a goddamn report? Does someone set up a shared Google Doc? Is there a copy editor? As much as I love to have faith in my fellow citizens, that sounds really hard! Is there a professional staff that somehow facilitates?


Just heard that DeSantis has appointed new people to a board in a FL college to make it less woke. Also giving the college something like 16 million to hire new professors. That diversity leads to division. What can the students and the professors do to protect themselves or oppose these actions?


How did a young Mississippian end up become Ace Associate at a small Maryland firm? How did that connection happen? What's the story? I don't recall hearing the full scoop, and I've been listening for awhile.


Why does a lawyer have to be accredited with the bar? If I have a right to represent myself, why can't I delegate that right to anyone to represent me on my behalf?


Why can the police lie to you about evidence during an interrogation? Presumably I can't lie to someone's face about some heinous evidence (e.g. something that if said publicly would be defamation per se), so why can the police?


Serious question: does Andrew have any response to allegations of harassment outlined in this article? https://religionnews.com/2023/02/01/american-atheists-board-members-exit-dogged-by-misconduct-allegations/

Sean, spelled corectly

Andrew has mentioned a way to help fix issues with the Federal Judiciary is to double the size of the courts. How would they go about hiring all those extra judges? Instead of having to confirm each individual one, could Congress make a rule saying something like "elevate the most senior judges to the next level up" to help fill roles? Or would they have to individually confirm hundreds of new appointments?


QUESTION: Has Opening Arguments Media, LLC. given permission to create and publicly post transcripts under a CC BY-SA 3.0 license as noted on the OA Wiki (hosted at openargswiki.wikidot.com )? MOTIVE: I'm thinking about starting a CC BY-SA 4.0 public wiki that may include OA transcripts with annotations. BACKGROUND: The legal boilerplate at the bottom of each page on the OA Wiki at WikiDot reads: ``` Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Show notes and summaries from the Opening Arguments website are used with permission and are Copyright © 2021 - 2022 Opening Arguments Media, LLC. All rights reserved ``` The WikiDot site also has a "Terms of Use" page with contradictory information ( http://openargswiki.wikidot.com/legal:terms-of-use ): ``` All contributions to this site are licensed by you under the MIT License to anyone who wishes to use them, including the Operators. ``` The MIT license is much more permissive than the CC BY-SA 3.0 license; I usually see it applied to software and software documentation.