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Welcome to the first Opening Arguments of 2017, and the first episode on our new two-episode-per-week schedule.  Just a reminder:  we will be releasing these episodes on Tuesdays and Fridays every week.  More on scheduling below.

Today's episode begins with a far-fetched (but interesting!) hypothetical about what would happen if Donald Trump refused to take the Presidential Oath of Office.  We dig into the Constitution, the 20th Amendment, and the 25th Amendment and go down some fun rabbit trails.

For our main segment, we return to the McDonald's "Hot Coffee" lawsuit we discussed in OA 29, and tackle some common questions about negligence raised by listeners.

Next, "Breakin' Down the Law" returns with a segment that explains the difference between "legalizing" and "decriminalizing" ... stuff.  Yeah, "stuff."

Finally, we end with Thomas Takes the Bar Exam, where we find out how our intrepid co-host did in answering real-life bar exam prep question #4 about trespass.  Going forward, TTTBE will always be an answer on Tuesday followed by a new question on Friday.

Remember that you can play along by following our Twitter feed (@Openargs) and quoting the tweet that announces this episode along with your guess and reason(s).

Show Notes & Links

  1. If you missed OA29, you might want to go back and listen to find out all that's right and wrong about the McDonald's "Hot Coffee" lawsuit.
  2. Also, we gave you a little holiday present by releasing LAM #1: The Firm to all of our listeners.  If you haven't listened already, we think you'll enjoy it.

Support us on Patreon at:  patreon.com/law

Follow us on Twitter:  @Openargs

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/openargs/

And email us at openarguments@gmail.com




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TTTBE #4 Gotcha! The tree example (and the lead (Pb) example) cleared this up for me. I get it. Thank you very much!