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So much more from the Jan. 6th committee is out, and that means our esteemed Andrew Torrez stole away from holiday cheer to read hundreds and hundreds of pages of documents. What do they reveal? If Trump is indicted, who will actually make a good witness against him? The answers MAY surprise you.
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Sorry to post this here, but I'm not on social media. TFG's 2015 and 2016 returns appear to have been signed by him, and by him as Melania. (Or, Melania appears to have mastered his signature with Sharpie.) The tax preparer appears to have dated everything (even dating his signature after Donald's-- oops--a preparer is supposed to sign the return before giving it to the taxpayer) and dating Melania's in November rather than October. Pretty sloppy. However, having filed many tax returns over the years on the final day (October 15th) I can't fault Mr. Bender for a bit of inadvertent sloppiness. If you want to see the lovely signatures, the 2015 is on 2015 pdf1 and the 2016 is on 2016 pdf1.


Sorry, pedantic nerd. Algebra is the study of Algorithms. Methods, functions, todo lists, diets, road signs, and your college syllabus are all algorithms. A series of defined steps to reach a result.


Sorry to pick a fight with a pedant but no it isn't. Alegbra is the branch of maths involving using letters in place of specific numbers to define formulae that aren't dependent on the specific numerical values to be true. (I'm sure some dictionary site has a better wording though). Some of the things you list out could quite reasonably involve algebraic methods to carry out but algorithms are a whole different field.


Al Gore rhythms is when a former VP plays AC/DC drums section on Rock Band


2023 has been a rough year. It would be better with AL Gore playing AC/DC songs for the environment.


But yes, what she just said is gibberish. As someone who would never do this to my boss; This is low quality jargon, I could have told a better lie about secret voting algorithms.