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In this week's episode, we conclude our discussion of Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992), and how the "undue burden" test the Supreme Court developed in that case continues to govern laws protecting (and restricting) abortion today.

However, we begin with the moment you've all been waiting for:  the answer to Thomas Takes the Bar Exam!, Question #2.   Right now, Thomas is 1-for-1 in bar exam questions -- did he get it right again?  Is he on his way to an honorary law degree, or will he become the first associate in the history of the Firm to fail the bar exam?

After that, we look at the abortion-related question of the lawsuit ostensibly brought by Sofia Vergara's frozen embryos.  Is this a meritorious lawsuit or a publicity stunt orchestrated by a goofball anti-abortion columnist?

The long-awaited "Are You A Cop?" returns with a comment by Hall of Fame patron Sakashite Fukasumi, who has a snarky comment about lineups.  But what exactly are police lineups used for, anyway? Don't you need one to convict?  "Are You A Cop?" dispels that myth once and for all....

And all of this goodness comes to a close with an all-new Thomas Takes the Bar Exam! Question #3.  Remember that you too can play along on Twitter!

Show Notes & Links

  1. Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992).
  2. Here's the story of the Sofia Vergara lawsuit, which includes a copy of the complaint ostensibly filed on behalf of her frozen embryos.
  3. An example of how the Casey "undue burden" test is still in operation today is the recent Supreme Court decision striking down Texas statutes imposing strict requirements on abortion providers in the state.

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In regards to the Vergara suit, as a matter of practicality, wouldn't one way of getting around the lawyers not being able to take directions from an embryo be to have the court appoint a guardian ad litem? Then counsel would take direction from the guardian?


Bit of a random question but I always enjoy listening to the podcast to see how different American laws are. (I'm Canadian) Are the decision of Lord Denning influential at all in American Law? Or is he strictly British and Canadian?


No idea who that guy is, if that answers your question!


Clever, but what criteria would the guardian use to figure out the 'best interests' of a tiny clump of cells?