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Yes, it's that time again: we're about to change the intro quotes!  Here's how you can play along:  post a link here to a GOOD QUALITY sound clip that is 15 seconds or less, and/or upvote with the heart the clips you like!



Probably too late to make it onto the list, but I'll post it here so I can find it again next time. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert opening monologue for 11/21, 2:15-2:22 "Your Honor, while admittedly the prosecution does have overwhelming evidence of his guilt, my client pleads Not Feelin' It." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3turAfIbMs


I've gotta set a calendar reminder next time or something so I remember to recommend this one before the last second lol. "When did I, a corporate lawyer with 15 years of experience with this firm, suddenly become a jaunty cat burglar stealing from the rich?" "That would be cool." "That would be cool, thank you Lola." Leverage: Redemption, Season 1, episode 2, 00:02:48 (Here's the clip) https://app.box.com/s/vsna2av48o3doxixbmv0ihubcjmm1etn