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Big news! The smockingest of smocking guns was revealed by a judge who was so alarmed he had to share it with us! Get the full breakdown as to why this is final nail in the case against Trump. In the first segment, we talk about Republicans efforts to undermine student loan forgiveness. Since, you know, they can just be evil and someone that's ok and they're still going to win the midterms. Then a quick wildcard on Trump being subpoenaed by the Jan 6 committee.

Links: Student Loan forgiveness, SC challenge on the shadow docket, Eastman phone, Eastman emails, 18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States, Trump subpoena, OLC memo, 2 U.S. Code § 192 - Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers




If the president can't just give away a trillion dollars, does that mean we have standing to sue the W and 45 admins for their tax breaks for billionaires that we paid for?


Long comment warning- You should consider highlighting the source of the lawsuit challenging the student loan debt EO and other lawsuits like it. Perhaps a conservation about how money influences law in ways that Citizens United presumably wouldn't impact because there are groups focused on having national policy impact via coordinated local influence campaigns. In this case, the lawsuit came from WILL(Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty) on behalf of BCTA (Brown County Taxpayer Association). However, WILL was founded by and operates with large amounts of funding from the Bradley Foundation. Bradley Foundation is perhaps the most influential conservative political organization in the US. They are basically the real version of what people think the Koch brothers are. All of the anti-democracy evils being exported out of Wisconsin these past couple decades come from them. They pretty effectively launder their influence through other organizations that they fund so most folks haven't heard of them, which should probably change. It's important to highlight their influence, because they've also been behind things like tax-funded school choice, increasing burdens on welfare recipients, and stripping powers from the office of the governor to consolidate power within legislative bodies that are controlled by the minority party. Their new hobby is disenfranchisement and undermining democracy via Big Lie and radicalizing poll watching: "Bradley in particular has given heavily to groups that traffic in misleading or baseless claims about “election integrity” or widespread “voter fraud.” Thanks to a $6.5 million infusion from the Bradley Impact Fund, a related nonprofit, the undercover-sting group Project Veritas nearly doubled its revenue in 2020 to $22 million, according to the group’s tax filing. Bradley is also a long-time funder of the Heritage Foundation, which helped architect the wave of voter suppression bills introduced in state legislatures this year, and True the Vote, a conservative group that trains poll watchers and stokes fears of rampant voter fraud in the past." "Now the Bradley Foundation is trying to export the Wisconsin model with the help of a recent infusion of $200 million from a Bradley family member's trust. The foundation is actively trying to build a system of conservative groups in more than a dozen states, many crucial to the outcome of presidential elections. Particularly attractive, one document says, are states where Republicans maintain what it calls "unified control" of the executive and legislative branches of government." https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/devos-bradley-claremont-trump-election-fraud-insurrection-1274253/ https://projects.jsonline.com/news/2017/5/5/hacked-records-show-bradley-foundation-taking-wisconsin-model-national.html ^sources of those quotes


According to its website, Cleta Mitchell is on the board of directors of the Bradley Foundation.