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Reason number a billion why we need to prevent right wing Christian Nationalists from ever having any power at all in this country – Braidwood Management, Inc. v. Becerra. Under Republican rule, if I have a 'sincerely held belief' that bats are birds, no one is allowed to question that or tell me I'm wrong, and I can refuse to pay for any healthcare I want if I can link it to my stupid belief. Listen as Andrew breaks down this horrible f*cking decision.

Links: Links: Appeal to 11th Cir docketed, DOJ motion for stay pending appeal, Judge Cannon ordered Trump response, Trump Cannon media brief, Special master joint brief, 42 U.S. Code § 300gg - Fair health insurance premiums




It is my sincerely held belief that all RFRA logic is bullshit! (Except for peyote:)


Glad you all covered this one. This opinion is a disaster.